These guys are why I have to make sure I’ve moved all rocks and flagstones prior to when the weather gets cold. After a certain point they’re nesting underneath every available rock. Found them yesterday when I went to grab a container from outdoors to serve as an indoor water […]
Recent Posts
Indoor water garden (updated 12/5/22)
Winter is a great time to experiment because even if it turns out to be a failure, at least it feels like forward motion in the universe. Yesterday I added two indoor water features for the novelty and the potential to increase humidity among the plants nearby. The background plant […]
Witchy un-summering (overwintering tender perennials)
Amaryllis, Colocasia, Black-eyed susan vine, returning houseplants, orchids, and overwintering tropicals… Most of the houseplants and tropicals have made it indoors at this point. Caladiums, canna, calla, dahlias, gladiolus all still keeping on until the first frost and will all be stored in the basement or garage. I sometimes […]
September 2022 – in bloom
So much beauty so late in the season…
Putting the ‘hard’ in hardscaping
We’ll assume this story is apocryphal because I can’t source it beyond Jeff and I talking about it. If it’s not apocryphal I’m likely mangling details so we’ll just consider it an illustrative ‘maybe’: When architects were designing sidewalks at UC Berkeley, they observed the natural paths made by students […]
Fountain Frog has a love interest
Fountain Frog appears to be a green frog (Lithobates clamitans). I’m unsure whether our original Fountain Frog is male or female, but I’ve referred to him as He up to now which is rude, maybe, I do not want to misgender anyone. Original Fountain Frog is significantly bigger than New […]
Worth overwintering…hibiscus
Two unnamed hibiscus in their second season and doing well. They had a bit of a tangle with spider mites over the winter but otherwise did okay, and probably would have bloomed longer if I had kept them under grow lights instead of an east-facing window. They have achieved the […]
Fountain frog reflects on the changing season and the inexorable passage of time
Fountain frog doesn’t want to talk about it.
Beneficial insects: Five banded tiphiid wasp
Seen today on a black eyed susan. If I’m correct about the ID, it’s a female (the red legs are the tell apparently.) From the link: “Females of some species of Thynnid wasps are wingless. Males find them on the ground and carry them into the air on a nuptial […]