(I struggled with image classes on this post and think I fixed them but apologies if a later update blows out my edits. I’ll fix it. Eventually.) Above: Bottle gentians, blue, late blooming, good cut flowers–in particular with late flowering orange and yellow daisy-shaped flowers and dahlias. Native. Allegedly attractive […]
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Fountain Frog knows how to live
In the grand scheme of things, doing mostly nothing while lying in the sun on a floating bed of water lettuce is not a bad way to spend a life. In August, Fountain Frog 3.0 returned to take up residence in a pot of water lettuce around thirty feet from […]
The fall mums haven’t even bloomed and yet I’m here, living solidly in the moment, thinking about springtime epimediums….
Highlights: September 2023
Was it a good year for gardening? Nah. It was hot, it was humid, and oh, stuff happened. It rained constantly, was always raining. Three straight months of complaining, oh my god, the complaining. Please shut up with the complaining. (Whispers: sorry, that was me.) Plants don’t sweat, wear bras, […]
Identified, unidentified, and misidentified pollinator visitors – Summer 2023
A few of this summer’s visitors to the flowers–working on getting better at identifying pollinators and beneficials. (Click in to navigate through large images.)
Currant jelly
Four pounds of currants and twelve beautiful scarlet jars of jelly (from The Ball Complete Book of Home Preserving) to give out at Christmas time. I saved the schmutz from the juice making and added it to a bottle of vodka; so far it’s just a pretty pink color so […]
August 2023 Week 3 Highlights
Glorious in the garden right now. It has its moments, and it definitely has its moments where nothing much is going on and there’s like two things in bloom and they’re being eaten by army worms or Japanese beetles but then there are these moments like this one in mid-August, […]
Of monsoons and mushrooms
Non-stop rain and the mushrooms are standing up to salute their good fortune. There are so many chanterelles it’s possible to casually make soup, as if it is routine to go and grab handfuls of chanterelles from the woods on a whim, to make soup for dinner. The ‘grabbing’ is […]
Garden Journal 7/13/2023
Harvested three pounds of currants and first chanterelles and black trumpets of the yesterday. Planted seeds: daikon, romaine, chard, beets, scallions, mizuna. Started seeds in flat for fall crop: broccoli and broccoli raab; some form of bok choy; something else that I am forgetting… Propagating cuttings of: Jackmanii clematis, aralia, […]