When we moved here in 2012 I was oddly drawn to a granite outcropping in the featureless center of the backyard. There is something deeply appealing about massive, half-buried rock lying around like a geological shipwreck, and I wanted to “do something with it”. Inauspicious beginnings: (L-R above): November […]
Tender perennials
Most of my phalenopsis orchids have bloomed reliably after summering outdoors for the past three years. They hang in shady areas–either in the grove, under a tree, or nestled in with some rhododendrons. Houseplants, including the orchids, go outside around May 15th or a bit earlier. The orchids aren’t that […]
Overwintering 2024
I’m just going to own this: I do way too much of this kind of thing. That represents a lot of work up there at the end of the season when I am simultaneously packing up and bringing in new plants and dividing and it winds up somewhat exhausting. Also […]
Orchid update
The cascading white one on the left has been blooming since New Year’s Day. So elegant:
In which orchids submit to my will
Just kidding, they are arbitrarily doing whatever, just like always, except this time it’s *blooming*. My five phalaenopsis orchids have limped along for years, not doing much of anything, certainly not blooming, and the two that I rescued from Lowe’s out of pity have never shown much gratitude, (not that […]
Indoor water garden (updated 12/5/22)
Winter is a great time to experiment because even if it turns out to be a failure, at least it feels like forward motion in the universe. Yesterday I added two indoor water features for the novelty and the potential to increase humidity among the plants nearby. The background plant […]
Witchy un-summering (overwintering tender perennials)
Amaryllis, Colocasia, Black-eyed susan vine, returning houseplants, orchids, and overwintering tropicals… Most of the houseplants and tropicals have made it indoors at this point. Caladiums, canna, calla, dahlias, gladiolus all still keeping on until the first frost and will all be stored in the basement or garage. I sometimes […]
Worth overwintering…hibiscus
Two unnamed hibiscus in their second season and doing well. They had a bit of a tangle with spider mites over the winter but otherwise did okay, and probably would have bloomed longer if I had kept them under grow lights instead of an east-facing window. They have achieved the […]