Should probably think about starting seeds I guess.
Kitchen Garden
Sad news from the leeks
Last week we hit whatever cold-weather threshold we needed to hit to call for Potato and Leek soup and I went into the garden to dig up the leeks, which are among my favorite vegetables to grow. When I started the messy business of cleaning them up things got…gross…small […]
September and early October 2024 Highlights
(I struggled with image classes on this post and think I fixed them but apologies if a later update blows out my edits. I’ll fix it. Eventually.) Above: Bottle gentians, blue, late blooming, good cut flowers–in particular with late flowering orange and yellow daisy-shaped flowers and dahlias. Native. Allegedly attractive […]
Garden Journal 7/13/2023
Harvested three pounds of currants and first chanterelles and black trumpets of the yesterday. Planted seeds: daikon, romaine, chard, beets, scallions, mizuna. Started seeds in flat for fall crop: broccoli and broccoli raab; some form of bok choy; something else that I am forgetting… Propagating cuttings of: Jackmanii clematis, aralia, […]
First of the seed starts
Did the first indoor sowing six days ago. Irresponsibly early but the heart wants, etc. No pretty pictures yet because they’re mostly in plastic produce containers and Ziplock bags secured by binder clips and it’s not an elegant look. So here’s above is of the artichokes started a few weeks […]