
Amphibians, Critters

Do Not Disturb

These guys are why I have to make sure I’ve moved all rocks and flagstones prior to when the weather gets cold. After a certain point they’re nesting underneath every available rock.  Found them yesterday when I went to grab a container from outdoors to serve as an indoor water […]


Fountain Frog has a love interest

Fountain Frog appears to be a green frog (Lithobates clamitans). I’m unsure whether our original Fountain Frog is male or female, but I’ve referred to him as He up to now which is rude, maybe, I do not want to misgender anyone. Original Fountain Frog is significantly bigger than New […]


Beneficial insects: Five banded tiphiid wasp

Seen today on a black eyed susan. If I’m correct about the ID, it’s a female (the red legs are the tell apparently.) From the link: “Females of some species of Thynnid wasps are wingless. Males find them on the ground and carry them into the air on a nuptial […]

Birds, Ecosystem, Pollinators

Pollinator garden, drafts 1, 2, 3…..

One of the front pollinator beds was added in April 2020. At roughly 4′ x 15′, it contains twelve Golden Alexanders (host plants for black swallowtails and food source for a lot of the little solitary bees) and twelve Bottle Gentians, both from Prairie Nursery. There’s a birdhouse at the […]