Last week we hit whatever cold-weather threshold we needed to hit to call for Potato and Leek soup and I went into the garden to dig up the leeks, which are among my favorite vegetables to grow. When I started the messy business of cleaning them up things got…gross…small […]
The uphill battle of aster identification
Asters are no longer asters, they are in the genus Symphotrichtum, unless they are Eurybia, and there are dozens of species. They are all harassed-looking daisy-types with 1/4″ or 1 1/2″ flowers, heart shaped leaves or lance-like leaves, in varying shades of murky blues and purples and whites and pinks. […]
September and early October 2024 Highlights
(I struggled with image classes on this post and think I fixed them but apologies if a later update blows out my edits. I’ll fix it. Eventually.) Above: Bottle gentians, blue, late blooming, good cut flowers–in particular with late flowering orange and yellow daisy-shaped flowers and dahlias. Native. Allegedly attractive […]
Fountain Frog knows how to live
In the grand scheme of things, doing mostly nothing while lying in the sun on a floating bed of water lettuce is not a bad way to spend a life. In August, Fountain Frog 3.0 returned to take up residence in a pot of water lettuce around thirty feet from […]
Identified, unidentified, and misidentified pollinator visitors – Summer 2023
A few of this summer’s visitors to the flowers–working on getting better at identifying pollinators and beneficials. (Click in to navigate through large images.)
Return of Fountain Frog
Or the progeny of Fountain Frog. Or just a random passing frog.
The wait for Fountain Frog begins
Fountain is set up. If the missus and the mister or whatever they are are hibernating beneath the whiskey barrel fountain, the water is ready for them.
Do Not Disturb
These guys are why I have to make sure I’ve moved all rocks and flagstones prior to when the weather gets cold. After a certain point they’re nesting underneath every available rock. Found them yesterday when I went to grab a container from outdoors to serve as an indoor water […]
Fountain Frog has a love interest
Fountain Frog appears to be a green frog (Lithobates clamitans). I’m unsure whether our original Fountain Frog is male or female, but I’ve referred to him as He up to now which is rude, maybe, I do not want to misgender anyone. Original Fountain Frog is significantly bigger than New […]