Harvested three pounds of currants and first chanterelles and black trumpets of the yesterday. Planted seeds: daikon, romaine, chard, beets, scallions, mizuna. Started seeds in flat for fall crop: broccoli and broccoli raab; some form of bok choy; something else that I am forgetting… Propagating cuttings of: Jackmanii clematis, aralia, […]
Author: Jennifer
Return of Fountain Frog
Or the progeny of Fountain Frog. Or just a random passing frog.
The wait for Fountain Frog begins
Fountain is set up. If the missus and the mister or whatever they are are hibernating beneath the whiskey barrel fountain, the water is ready for them.
Daffodils 2023
I grow a lot of daffodils–I wasn’t always a fan, but they don’t get eaten by rabbits or deer (no tulips here). They can be used to prevent voles from eating root systems of other plants. Hellebores work well for that purpose too, in shady areas.
PDF of blank plant record
Revised 2025. The old one is here. For any nerd who wants to print to keep plant records, I have a sheet for everything I’ve planted in a messy-but-arranged-alphabetically binders. The revised version is to help me reuse the same form regardless of whether the plant in question is […]
Orchid update
The cascading white one on the left has been blooming since New Year’s Day. So elegant:
First of the seed starts
Did the first indoor sowing six days ago. Irresponsibly early but the heart wants, etc. No pretty pictures yet because they’re mostly in plastic produce containers and Ziplock bags secured by binder clips and it’s not an elegant look. So here’s above is of the artichokes started a few weeks […]
Recommended Gadgets and Tools
*Disclosure: Theoretically, as an Amazon affiliate I may earn commision on Amazon links. This is unlikely! Favorite tool of the year: (Photo above). 5LB Kobalt Fiberglass pickaxe: my upper body strength is not impressive, but the weight and slicing ability of this thing makes digging through impacted soil […]
In which orchids submit to my will
Just kidding, they are arbitrarily doing whatever, just like always, except this time it’s *blooming*. My five phalaenopsis orchids have limped along for years, not doing much of anything, certainly not blooming, and the two that I rescued from Lowe’s out of pity have never shown much gratitude, (not that […]