Author: Jennifer

Design, Tender perennials

Evolution of the Ledge Garden 2012-2025

When we moved here in 2012 I was oddly drawn to a granite outcropping in the featureless center of the backyard. There is something deeply appealing about massive, half-buried rock lying around like a geological shipwreck, and I wanted to “do something with it”.    Inauspicious beginnings: (L-R above):  November […]

houseplants living outdoors
Houseplants, Overwintering, Plants, Tender perennials


Most of my phalenopsis orchids have bloomed reliably after summering outdoors for the past three years. They hang in shady areas–either in the grove, under a tree, or nestled in with some rhododendrons. Houseplants, including the orchids, go outside around May 15th or a bit earlier. The orchids aren’t that […]

Living room houseplants

I love our living room

 I hate that there is a box of tissues in this shot. Please ignore. I’m trying to get past that type of thing because otherwise I wind up paralyzed and never accomplish anything because I’m always going back to either a) retake a shot so there is no box of […]

leeks and flowers in vegetable garden
Kitchen Garden, Pests

Sad news from the leeks

  Last week we hit whatever cold-weather threshold we needed to hit to call for Potato and Leek soup and I went into the garden to dig up the leeks, which are among my favorite vegetables to grow. When I started the messy business of cleaning them up things got…gross…small […]

Natives, Plants

2024 Fall Foliage highlights

A few favorites. I may add more to the post later in the season, when January and the desire to do literally anything with gardening becomes unmanageable. These are a mix of natives and non-natives. (I’m writing up some thoughts on the native/non-native plant discourse; I’ll update with a link […]