Fountain Frog knows how to live

Green frogs
Is this the same frog, year over year, really? Sure, why not. 

In the grand scheme of things, doing mostly nothing while lying in the sun on a floating bed of water lettuce is not a bad way to spend a life. 

In August, Fountain Frog 3.0 returned to take up residence in a pot of water lettuce around thirty feet from the whiskey barrel fountain. He (pretty sure FF is a male)  was joined this week by another frog who had been heartlessly and abruptly evicted from home in a another nearby whiskey barrel. New Frog and I were both surprised to learn we had been sharing that space, but he’s found a new home and roommate/love interest so it’s basically a fairy tale ending. 

Fountain Frog and New Frog are Green Frogs, which applies to many species frogs because frogs are pretty much frog-colored, except for divas like Poison Dart Frogs, native to central and south America.

The specific species here in Massachusetts is Lithobates clamitans, subspecies melanota. 

Not that it matters because Fountain Frog is a frog, interested in eating bugs and floating on water lettuce, not conducting internet searches to see what people are saying about him. 


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